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  • Writer's pictureclarekershaw

Taking the first step

It can feel uncomfortable at first, taking the first step.

Our natural instinct as humans is to stay within our comfort zone but staying in this zone could be holding you back. Making a positive change to your life brings about new experiences and personal growth. Decide what will have a positive impact on your life and make the change to move forward towards it. With the right support network, and clarity over your motivations you're 3 steps closer to success.

We all have different goals but we are driven by similar needs. You might have an upcoming holiday so you’re driven by the need to shape up and lose some body fat. Guys may want to look more muscular, a bigger chest, bigger arms or see those 6 pack abs. Girls may want a bigger bum, a flatter stomach, slimmer legs, toned arms or all of the above. Or you may have something more personal thats driving you to change, a serious health condition and your future life with your loved ones depends on it. You may just want to feel stronger, healthier. Whatever the reason it will be personal to you. So start by getting clarity on what your goals actually are. Make a note of a health goal you want to achieve, the reason you want to make this change and the date you want to achieve this by and anything which might stop you achieving your goals. We’ll come back to this later.

As adults we know whats good for us and we know whats bad for us. We know eating more fruits and vegetables is good for us and we know that a large Big Mac meal is not. So if your only putting in 20% effort towards your health and 80% of the time your still repeating the same bad habits then progress is going to be slow, that gut is going to keep on growing and your motivation towards your goal has just jumped off the nearest cliff. Be smart. Put at least 80% effort in towards you and your health goals, eat nutritious foods, train smart and then the remaining 20% can be an allowance for you to allow yourself that occasional treat.

Finding the right balance in life when you want to achieve your health goals and still enjoy pleasures in life can be tricky but it can be achieved with the right mindset. Food and drink is centered around so many enjoyable social gatherings with friends and family. This is life and you should allow yourself to enjoy yourself at these times but you will need to make wise decisions on what you choose to eat or drink at these events in order to remain on track to your health goals. If you stay committed towards your goal and remain focussed you will always reach your goals. The important thing to remember is you create a balance. You train hard enough in the week and stick to your nutrition plan every single day so you are able to allow yourself a treat at the weekend. We only have one life. With it comes ups and downs, the good times, the bad times, the healthy days, the unhealthier days, the motivated days and the demotivated days. Don’t be hard on yourself on the day when you don’t have motivation, the day will come when you do. Strike the right balance and reaching your goals whilst still living your life will be a much happier and more achievable process.

Now think about the goal you set yourself earlier and what may stop you from achieving this goal. Getting clarity on what could prevent you achieving your goals is paramount to your success. Together we can strategize ways to overcome any hurdles which may be on the horizon. Start by being honest with yourself. If adding 4 workouts into your week when your use to have 0 is too much of a challenge then start with an amount which is achievable and build from there. If working out in a gym makes you feel uncomfortable then train outside or at home, the options are there. If you find the exercise too hard don’t quit use that frustration to fuel your motivation to improve and get stronger. If you are not spending enough time with your kids then schedule a workout day at the weekend where you can all do something active together like swimming or go for a bike ride. You can make time for anything you want to achieve in life if you are clear on your goals and you are able to prioritize what matters the most to you and your loved ones.

So, what’s holding you back??


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