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Losing 12-lbs in 12-weeks has never been so simple!  



CK Way

It's not you, it's the program

I believe a healthy life should be fun, simple, and most importantly it should fit your lifestyle. If you've ever struggled to stick to a fitness program, then the program was not built for you. A program that is highly personalized to you looks at what you enjoy eating, how you enjoy moving, and what type of support will best keep you moving forward. If that sounds like what you've been looking for, then book a free consultation to take the first step to becoming a healthier happier you. 




Jessica dropped body fat gained muscle & had to buy a whole new wardrobe


Kylee lost body fat, toned up, got her confidence & her energy levels back!


Annie lost an incredible 12.5kg felt more confident & happier on her wedding day




How to eat the right foods and create meals which match your goals and your food preferences. How to reach your goal without having a boring or too restrictive diet. How to eat for optimal health and remove any confusion you have around nutrition. How to use different nutrition strategies so that it’s easy and simple for you to reach your goal. This is an area that a lot of people struggle with because they don’t have a clear strategy which is personalised to them. The right nutrition is key to you reaching your goals so everything is bespoke and tailored to your individual needs. 



How to train in the gym to get incredible results. How to tone and build muscle suitable to your abilities. How to perform each exercise correctly and what to do in each session so the thought is taken away for you. Learn how to train efficiently and effectively so you’re not spending hours in the gym. This is where a lot of people end up wasting time because their not following a plan which will bring them results. Training plans need to be customised to you and when you follow the clear instructions incredible results will come. 



How to incorporate fitness to fit within your lifestyle and not have to make your life fit around fitness. How to get results for life without having to follow extreme diets or training plans.  Learn how to get results and have fun doing so. How to eat out and still stay on track towards your goals. This is where a lot of people fail because they do not have an effective strategy to help them manage social occasions. I’ll help you manage your lifestyle so you don’t undo all your hard work at the weekend and still keep making progress towards your goals. 



How to create a bulletproof mindset needed to succeed with your goals. How to handle lack of motivation, lack of confidence, stress and other setbacks which might hold you back. How to improve time management and have everything in a clear and organized system so it’s easy as possible for you get results. Knowing that you have someone there to keep you accountable and guide you throughout. This is an overlooked area for most but will be crucial to your success. 



Harriet lost inches prepping for her wedding & gained next level confidence

My story from no gym & little nutrition knowledge to knowledge & a structured training & nutrition plan 

Julia lost over a stone, transformed her physique & felt happier  & more confident


We will start with a consultation via zoom so that I can get to know you and ensure the nutrition and training plan is designed bespoke to you, your goals, your preferences and your lifestyle. 


You will then be sent a link to get you set up on my app. The app will be home to everything you need to start getting results. 


Here you will be provided with a training plan to follow which will show you in what order to perform each exercise, how many reps you need to do, how many sets, at what speed you should perform the movement, how much rest you need to take. Alongside this there will be video tutorials of me demonstrating each movement which will give you confidence as you will always know how to perform each exercise.  


You will find your nutrition targets, example meal plans along side your nutrition guides and any other supporting documents you may need so you have all the information required to get results. 


And this will be where we track your progress with pictures, body measurements, sleep, step counts and lots more all linked to your goals. 


On top of this you will be able to link up your smart watch and myfitnesspal so that all your health apps are fully alligned and communicating with each other to make tracking easy. 


Each week you will complete a progress review so that we can track your progress and make sure you are staying on track towards your goals and if at any point you’re not I’ll tell you exactly what you need to change. You can message me via the app at any time with any questions or any support you may need and I will get back to you within 24 hours.


You can also reach out to other clients in the whatsapp group, ask questions and find answers there as others may have had the same or similar questions before and you may also find the answers to your questions in the educational videos.

Success stories


So if you’re the type of person who tends to always seek new information but only actually puts a small percentage of that information into action, the set up of the coaching is going to be a complete GAME CHANGER for how you learn and the level of results you can achieve. 


And if thats not enough you’ll have unlimited 1-1 calls with me to review your progress. 


This will give you a huge amount of 





None of the coaching in the course will be group based. I don’t believe group coaching can be personalized or give you high level accountability so its not something I offer. You wont be sat on a group zoom call where 90% of the information isn’t specific to your needs.


I want you to get the level of service you need to get the body of your dreams. 



Review your progress in line with your goals

Set a clear plan of action for the next 1-2 months 

Answer any questions you may have


That means you’ll always know exactly what you need to be doing, removing any confusion, doubt or frustration. 

Client reviewS

Clare really helped me lose weight when I didn't think I could. I had been putting on weight over the last year but couldn't shake it. With guidance on nutrition and diet and our PT sessions I have lost almost 2kgs in only a few weeks. Her dedication and continual support has been the motivation that I needed - @Aretha.Hammond

In one sentence - Clare is absolutely amazing!!! From the first meet and till date she's been the best support to achieve goals. Am super happy and recommend her highly. She's very professional, knows what she's doing and how to push your limits to achieve results, but at the same time is very understanding of how much you can do as every day is different. I love working-out with Clare! To more and more sessions! :)


Clare is very skilled at crafting a fitness and nutrition plan that suits your lifestyle she has an extraordinary ability to keep you focused on your goals. When its tough you 100% trust her encouragement. It’s all in the results mentally and physically.




Naomi lost 4kg & clothes feeling better

Amanda lost 7kg & had to buy a whole new wardrobe

Carmen gained more curves and more confidence 


1. An Unmatched Level of 1-1 Support

Unlike many coaching programs you’ll be working 1-1 with me, not a member of my team. None of the coaching will be based in a group environment. I’m sure you’ll agree that you don’t want to be coached in a group, you want to be coached 1-1 so the advice is always 100% personalized to you. 


There is a group chat for everyone on the coaching which allows you to build new relationships with likeminded people who are working towards similar goals as you. This will add motivation when seeing what others are doing and achieving. 


The unlimited 1-1 calls with me is a level of support I haven’t seen matched in 90% of coaching programs I have seen online. You also have my number so any issues you have, you can message me on WhatsApp and I’ll sort it for you. I talk to all my clients every week via WhatsApp or message in between the 1-1 calls.


Accountability and support are vital to your success and you will receive that in abundance when working with me.


2. The Full Picture

I’ve designed the coaching service around what I wish I had 6 years ago when I was starting my health and fitness journey. Much of my knowledge has come from plenty of trial and error as well as investing thousands into several coaches who have been able to share their insights and knowledge with me. 


It’s not your typical coaching program like many other coaching programs out there. I don’t just want to teach you how to get results and leave you there, I want to teach you how to get incredible results and retain your results long term, spend less time in the gym so you have more time to enjoy your life doing other things. I want to cover everything you need and thats exactly what I have done in this coaching program. 


3. I Truly Care About Your Results

My clients are tagged throughout this page so feel free to reach out and ask them about their experience working with me. I want YOU to succeed and I will match the level of work that you’re willing to put into you. As long as you want this to work, we will make it work. 

4. Accessibility

You will have access to contact me throughout the program at any time and you should expect a speedy reply to answer any issues you have. This is a journey that we will go on together rather than you being left to do most things on your own. 

5. Results Guarantee 

Having paid large upfront costs to work with coaches in the past, I don’t want this to be the only barrier between you succeeding and you failing. Thats why along with the option to pay for the coaching in full, I have options which allow for costs to be broken down into installments, at no extra charge. 


This means that OVER 90% of the people who apply and are accepted for the program are able to get started without price stopping them. 

As mentioned earlier, I want to remove the doubt and trust issues you may have with hiring a 1-1 coach. Thats why my coaching comes with a 100% results guarantee. 


If you follow the program, action all the steps and it doesn’t lead you to getting results by the end of the coaching I will continue to coach you for FREE until that is the case.


The reason I have that is because I am SO confident in the effectiveness of the program. If you follow the action steps, you will get significant results soon after starting. 

Client reviewS

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Firstly I don’t work with everyone. If you apply to work with me and during the process, I don’t feel I’m the best person to help with your specific goal or you’re not who I’m looking for on the program, I will let you know right away. No hard feelings. 


Those who are willing to put in the work. If you think you’ll just sign up and magically you’ll start getting results like never before, you’re not who I’m looking for. I will give you all the tools you need to get HUGE success but you need to be willing to put everything into action. It wont always be super easy but the results will be well worth it. 


Getting amazing results needs to be a 9 or 10 out of 10 importance. My clients are not a pay check. The most rewarding and best thing a client can give me in order to grow my business and fulfillment is a result. And for that to happen, this needs to be a priority for you. If you cant honestly say this is at least a 9/10 Importance then please don’t apply .


You’re in a place to accept advice and help.  If you think you already have all the answers, I cant help you. You need to be able to accept and implement new strategies so please apply if you’re open minded and ready to learn!



Carmen became stronger, more toned & more curvy in all the right places 

Caron gained confidence & felt happier in herself

Yuna lost weight gained strength & new passion for fitness 



I started in the fitness industry working as a 1-1 PT over 6 years ago in Dubai. I soon realised that if I wanted to get incredible results with people I would need to deepen my knowledge in nutrition so I invested in the world-renowned evidence-based online nutrition course and certified as an MNU Nutritionist in 2020. 


During that time I have helped over 100s of women get the same results with their physique that I have with mine.


I have been into fitness and movement from a young age either playing netball in school or ballet dancing into my late teens. I have been going to the gym since I was 16 years old and over the years I turned to running completing the Manchester and Loch Ness Marathon. However running never gave me the physique that I wanted and it was only when I got a personal trainer and started strength training in the gym that I started to see my body change, look more toned, gained muscle in the right places and my passion for health and fitness developed.


The goal has never been to be a world champion body builder by having the best body. Thats never appealed to me its more about being healthy mentally & physically. I don’t remember the last time I got sick! And having a body I am proud of so I feel confident in my clothes, and still being able to enjoy my life feeling happy in myself is what appeals to me most. 



I have worked with many different coaches over the years and learnt a tonne along the way. Instead of me telling you why you’d be wise to listen to what I have to say, check out some more of my client results from people who I’ve actually helped get results and reach their goals.





If you’ve got down to the bottom of this page and have read all the information, I hope by now you can see the huge opportunity the coaching is giving people just like you and how it could transform your physique. 


If you’re ready to take the next step and apply to join the coaching you can do so using the link below. Answer 5 short questions and I’ll be in touch with more details. As long as I think I can really help you get incredible results, we can then discuss the coaching in more detail. 


At the very least I’ll give you more clarity on what you need to be doing going forwards in order to reach your goals and I’ll be able to answer any questions you may have. So theres nothing to lose and a hell of a lot to gain!


Take the first step to investing in yourself and improving yourself. You deserve the success which will inevitably come!

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© 2023 by Clare Kershaw. 

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