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My Mission

I'm all about helping women like you crush their fitness goals, no matter what's in the way. We'll work together to create a plan that fits your life – whether you need more time, energy, or a little push to get motivated. I'm here to help you jump over those hurdles and make strides towards not just meeting your fitness targets, but also feeling fantastic about yourself.

My Vision

I dream of a place where all women, no matter their starting point, feel like they belong and are cheered on in their fitness journey. Imagine a community where the ups and downs of everyday life are part of something bigger and exciting. My goal is simple but big: to help you feel confident and strong, and to be part of a journey that's not just about hitting fitness goals, but also about discovering a healthier, happier you for life.


The Fitness That Fits You

I'm a big believer that getting healthy should feel good and fit easily into your life. If you've ever felt let down by fitness programs, it's likely because they weren't tailored to you. I'm all about creating a plan that's as unique as you are – one that includes the foods you love, exercises that make you feel great, and the right kind of support to keep you on track. This is what I bring to the table – a health plan that's crafted just for you. Fancy a chat? Book a free consultation with me, and let's start your journey to being healthier and happier.

Four Key Pillars of My Service


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Let's make meals that are as tasty as they are good for your health and fitness goals. Say goodbye to boring diets and hello to eating well in a way that's easy and fun. I'll create a plan that's all about what you like and what you need. Eating right doesn't have to be complicated – it's all about finding what works best for you.



I’ll teach you the right way to do your workouts and give you a clear plan for each gym session. No more guessing what to do next. With a training plan made just for you, you’re on your way to some awesome results, and I'm here to help you get there.



I'm here to help you blend fitness into your daily routine smoothly. You'll learn how to enjoy social events without messing up your progress and find the right balance that fits your life. If you've struggled with balancing life's treats and staying on track, don't worry. I'm here to guide you on how to enjoy your weekends and still keep up with your fitness goals.



Let's build a mindset that's ready to take on any challenge and reach your goals. Together, we'll handle common hurdles like keeping motivated, managing stress, and juggling your time. Having a well-organized system and someone to hold you accountable can make a big difference. I'm here to guide you, making it simpler to stay focused and achieve what you set out to do.


Here's how we'll work together through the CK Way process: a personalized, supportive journey tailored just for you

We'll start with a Zoom call where I'll learn all about you – your goals, what you enjoy, and your daily life. It's important to make sure your diet and exercise plan fits you perfectly.

App Setup

After our consultation, you'll receive a link to set up your account on my exclusive app. This app is your one-stop hub for everything you need to start seeing results.

Personalized Training Plan
In the app, you'll find your very own workout plan. It guides you on which exercises to do, how many times (reps and sets), how fast, and when to rest. Plus, there are video demos by me for each exercise to help you feel confident and make sure you're doing them right.

Nutrition Guidance
Right next to your workout plan in the app, you'll find everything about your nutrition. This includes your personal nutrition goals, example meal plans, and helpful nutrition guides. All these resources are there to give you the info you need for great results.

Progress Tracking
The app isn't just for workouts and meal plans – it's also where we'll keep an eye on your progress. You can track everything from your workout photos, body measurements, how well you sleep, to how many steps you take each day. All these details are tied to your personal fitness goals, helping us see just how far you've come.

Health App Integration

For seamless tracking, you can sync your smartwatch and MyFitnessPal with the app. This integration ensures that all your health data is aligned and easily accessible.

Weekly Progress Review

Each week, you'll complete a progress review in the app. This helps us track your journey and ensure you’re on the right path towards your goals. If adjustments are needed, I’ll provide specific guidance on what to change.

Direct Communication

Anytime you have questions or need support, you can message me directly through the app. I’m committed to responding within 24 hours, ensuring you have the support you need, when you need it.

Community Support

You’ll also have access to a WhatsApp group with other clients. This is a great place to ask questions, share experiences, and find answers. Plus, the educational videos in the app often contain valuable insights that might answer some of your queries.

What My Clients Are Saying...

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If you’ve got down to the bottom of this page and have read all the information, I hope by now you can see the huge opportunity the coaching is giving people just like you and how it could transform your physique. 


If you’re ready to take the next step and apply to join the coaching you can do so using the link below. Answer 5 short questions and I’ll be in touch with more details. As long as I think I can really help you get incredible results, we can then discuss the coaching in more detail. 


At the very least I’ll give you more clarity on what you need to be doing going forwards in order to reach your goals and I’ll be able to answer any questions you may have. So theres nothing to lose and a hell of a lot to gain!


Take the first step to investing in yourself and improving yourself. You deserve the success which will inevitably come!

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© 2023 by Clare Kershaw. 

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